Ian R. Clayton
Ian R. Clayton
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Email Ian
iclayton (at) ianrclayton .com
iclayton (at) ianrclayton .com

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246 427 2004
246 427 2004

Featuring culture, heritage and lifestyles of fascinating destinations. Incubated in the Caribbean Island of Barbados, lifestyles will travel the world documenting ways of life with informal chats with ordinary and extraordinary people and artisans from all walks of life. Images and videos of local people and places in amazing tourism destinations.
Featuring culture, heritage and lifestyles of fascinating destinations. Incubated in the Caribbean Island of Barbados, lifestyles will travel the world documenting ways of life with informal chats with ordinary and extraordinary people and artisans from all walks of life. Images and videos of local people and places in amazing tourism destinations.

Want to participate - let us showcase your hotel, destination and tourism activity on our network of influencers and media sites.
iclayton (at) ianrclayton.com
Need help creating content, we love to be creative
Want to participate - let us showcase your hotel, destination and tourism activity on our network of influencers and media sites.
iclayton (at) ianrclayton.com
Need help creating content, we love to be creative

Featured Promotions
Featured Promotions
Shoutout, shares, Instagram promos/ads and social syndication. The network includes lifestylesoftheartisan, digitalmediaebook, irclay, personaholidays and partner Influencers like barbadostravel.
We share our picks of lifestyles and special places
We love good causes, humanitarian ventures, culture, lifestyles, arts & crafts.
For hotel, tourism, destinations, hospitality and ventures that add value to travel & community.
Contact us if you would like to be featured.
Shoutout, shares, Instagram promos/ads and social syndication. The network includes lifestylesoftheartisan, digitalmediaebook, irclay, personaholidays and partner Influencers like barbadostravel.
We share our picks of lifestyles and special places
We love good causes, humanitarian ventures, culture, lifestyles, arts & crafts.
For hotel, tourism, destinations, hospitality and ventures that add value to travel & community.
Contact us if you would like to be featured.
click on image to see the experience
click on image to see the experience